The company provides software and supporting consultancy to the global oil and gas market, and signed a 10-year lease to take 11,000sq ft of first floor space at The Beam, moving from elsewhere in the region.

Paul Bicker, CEO of Asset55
"We looked at around 30 different spaces to find a good fit. It had to be somewhere we could be proud of, and The Beam, when we viewed that, stood out above all else as a building. It was head and shoulders above," says Paul.
"We liked the history of the site. The engineering background of the river. The shipbuilding history. And the fact that a brewery once stood here. They made product and they shipped it around the world, and that's exactly what we do now.
"When you come into The Beam, there's fantastic comms; there's high concrete ceilings and exposed steel and it gives that really cool industrial feel. Being able to look out and see the bridges, see the river, see the industry, see where the city itself is going; it's a great spot. In five years' time, it will be even better as more people move live and work here."