New guidance to help advance 'nationally significant' development

GUIDANCE to support development at a nationally significant advanced manufacturing park is expected to be green-lit by two North East councils in January.
The IAMP Interim Position Statement (IPS) will be put to the cabinets of South Tyneside Council and Sunderland City Council, outlining a range of criteria that can help inform decisions around future investment at the 150-hectare International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP).
The IAMP is a joint venture between the two local authorities - supported by developer HBD - providing a world-class environment for automotive, energy, low carbon, logistics and manufacturing businesses that will create over 7,000 jobs.
Phase One of the IAMP has progressed well since work started on the site in late 2019, attracting hundreds of millions of pounds in investment from manufacturing giants Envision AESC, Faltec and SNOP and - as the UK aims to lead the race to electrification - the IPS will support developments that play a key role in helping the UK meet its economic aspirations and low-carbon commitments.
The IPS will become a material planning consideration alongside the IAMP Area Action Plan (AAP) which was formally adopted by both councils in 2017 and establishes the broad planning framework and land use policies for the 150-hectare site. The AAP is due to be reviewed in late 2022.
Cllr Mark Walsh, lead member for regeneration and economy at South Tyneside Council, said: "IAMP is a hugely significant development which is going from strength to strength.
"The AAP is a framework for development within the IAMP boundary, and it's been very successful in managing applications and infrastructure brought forward to date, with continuing demand for floorspace.
"However there has been a number of changes since it was adopted, both in the local and national context, and it's important that these are taken into account when determining planning applications.
"We've seen changes in planning policy, carbon commitments, the increase in electrification of the automotive sector, the response to Brexit and supply chains, and the Environment Bill gaining royal assent.
"To fully assess these changes in circumstances, we, along with our partners at Sunderland City Council have prepared the Interim Position Statement."
Cllr Graeme Miller, leader of Sunderland City Council, added: "While the AAP proved a fantastic driver of investment for Phase One of the IAMP, updated national and local policies have led to the IAMP being an even larger asset for the UK, and we are confident the introduction of the IPS will help the site continue to develop and realise its huge potential"
"Both authorities are committed to ensuring our collective continued development of the IAMP will play a key role alongside wider developments in each area in helping us recover from the pandemic greener and stronger."
Subject to Cabinet approval, the IPS will be used as a material planning consideration alongside the AAP policies.