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Strategic Priority 1: Our Behaviour

Strategic Priority 1: Our Behaviour

Strategic Priority 1: Our Behaviour  

Encourage behaviour change    

  • Enable energy-saving and battery-saving modes on all PC and mobile work devices. 
  • Reduce the office's thermostat temperature. Keeping the thermostat down by just 1°C could reduce space heating energy by 13%.   
  • Encourage team members to dress appropriately for the season or provide seasonal work uniforms. This could save heating costs in the winter and air conditioning costs in the summer. 

Talk to your employees 

  • Talking to your workforce about the environment and inviting them to offer their own suggestions on how your company can help combat climate change will encourage your workers to get on board with your environmental efforts. It can also help them to feel a sense of pride and purpose in reducing environmental impacts. 

Corporate Volunteering 

  • Many businesses offer the opportunity to volunteer during working hours.  For opportunities, please contact the Voluntary Sector Alliance at: or call 07443 202589.  

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