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Strategic Priority 7: Consumption and Waste

Recycle Paper

Strategic Priority 7: Consumption and Waste  

Buy used office equipment 

  • Whenever offices close or have a refurb, most companies will sell their old equipment to a used office furniture company. Reusing and recycling goods avoids contributing towards further depletion of natural resources like woods and metals. 
  • WARPiT - Waste Action Resource Portal, is an online tool which supports businesses to recycle furniture and equipment. Warp It not only allows for equipment to be exchanged but other resources can be loaned and shared with the confidence of sound legal agreements and terms and conditions. This means that the costs of expensive equipment like staging and audio-visual equipment can be shared by all partners, releasing resources for direct service provisions. Businesses interested in signing up to WARPit can access the link here; Welcome to Warp It- the resource redistribution network ( 


  • Recycling a single tin can could save enough energy to power a computer for a full hour. 
  • A tonne of recycled paper can save 17 trees from deforestation, as well as 7000 gallons of water, 380 gallons of oil and 4000 kWh energy. 

Reduce single use plastics  

  • Avoid using single use plastics, re-use where possible. Only 9% of all plastic produced has ever been recycled.  
  • Plastic production will account for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 if consumption trends continue. 
  • Promote the Refill app: Refill provides a platform to connect residents and their communities to places they can eat, drink and shop without single-use plastic packaging. If you would like to register as a refill station click here

Use recycled resources  

  • Using recycled paper products can help to reduce deforestation and preserve natural habitats. 

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