Different Goalposts, Same Passion

Inspired by the Women's Rugby World Cup 2025 coming to Sunderland, these brand-new sessions are low level fitness activities which include a few rugby inspired exercises.
They are suited to all ages and most importantly you don't need to have any experience or knowledge of rugby.
Sessions will take place across the city and are free. Full details can be found below but please get in touch at active@sunderland.gov.uk if you have any questions.
Booking in advance with each provider is preferred however, you can turn up on the day and join in if space is available.
Youth Almighty - Barnes Park Playing Fields ,SR4 7PY (what3words: ///gold.switch.throw)
Saturdays (Feb 15th - Mar 22nd)
Family fun for all ages!
Booking and info: info@youthalmighty.co.uk or phone 01941 523 8000
Vigor Rugby - Success Road, Shiney Row, DH4 4JG (what3words: ///heats.magma.plant)
Sundays (Feb 16th - Mar 23rd)
Skills & walking rugby session for everyone!
Booking and info: vigor.rugby@gmail.com or phone 07791 297569