Oculus HR launches health and safety service
July 29, 2021

Sunderland based human resources consultancy Oculus HR has launched a new health and safety service, after recent growth and increased demand from its clients.
Established in 2013 by Louise Kennedy, Oculus delivers flexible and innovative HR solutions to businesses across the UK.
Speaking about the launch of the new service, Louise said: "There has been a growing demand for health and safety services from our clients, and every time we've been asked, we've had to outsource it.
"I wanted to bring a health and safety service inhouse to ensure the delivery was of the same standard and to complement the HR solutions we offer."
Louise's husband, Eddie Kennedy, has come onboard to set up and manage Oculus Health & Safety on a full-time basis, after working for Sunderland City Council for 32 years.
Louise said: "Eddie's role has encompassed health and safety for many years, he has IOSH Managing Safely and has a NEBOSH National General Certification in Occupational Health and Safety. Having him onboard is a fantastic opportunity to complement the HR side of the business, and bring these services all under one brand, giving us the ability to offer more comprehensive packages."
Based in the Sunderland Software Centre, Oculus has five employees and hopes to continue growing as it develops the health and safety side of the business.
Oculus has been supported throughout its business journey by Sunderland City Council, and has continued to go from strength to strength, working with clients such as Foundation of Light, NBT Group, Ashford Orthodontics, Aphrodite, Pub Culture, Sunderland GP practices and many more.
Cllr Graeme Miller, leader of Sunderland City Council, said: "It's great to see Oculus HR expand into the health and safety sector, supporting local and national businesses to protect employees in the workplace and ensure employers are compliant.
"We're proud to have been able to support Louise and her team on their business journey so far. This is yet another great example of how business hubs such as Sunderland Software Centre, Evolve and Washington Business Centre play an important role in supporting the growth of our region's businesses."
For more information on Oculus Health & Safety, visit: https://oculus-healthandsafety.co.uk/