South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust
Ken Bremner, Chief Executive of South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust, said: "Reducing our carbon footprint is one of our key priorities and of significant benefit to our patients, staff and the communities that we serve. We are committed to creating a more eco-friendly environment across our Trust by focussing on how we can be more sustainable in our actions and investing in areas such as greener energy sources and electric vehicles. Working closely with our partners and stakeholders we can deliver more sustainable reductions in our carbon emissions and fully embrace our role as a responsible employer. We very much welcome and support a city-wide approach to carbon reduction through the Low Carbon Framework and the opportunity to work together and share experiences across Sunderland to help us achieve our goals."
Read South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust's Action Plan here. (PDF, 4 MB)