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St Peter's Gate, Charles Street, Sunderland, SR6 0AN

Managed office accommodation located on the banks of the River Wear, 334 sq.ft.

St Peter's Gate, Charles Street, Sunderland, SR6 0AN

Managed office accommodation located on the banks of the River Wear, 334 sq.ft.

  • suite will comfortably accommodate 5 desks
  • staffed reception
  • kitchen and other facilities
  • meeting rooms and events spaces
  • on-site secure car parking
  • access to University of Sunderland facilities and enterprise team
  • easy-in, easy-out tenancy agreements are available
  • £6,192 per annum (= £18.54 psf)

  • To find out how Sunderland City Council's Business Investment Team can help you grow your business, email

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