A Great Place To Invest

Sunderland is building itself a bright new future.
Sunderland is a city of ambition and more than £1.554 billion of private and public money will be invested in the city by 2024. This investment is funding renewal and resurgence across the region, from the seafront and the city centre to building locations of national strategic significance. Sunderland provides countless opportunities across manufacturing, business, retail and leisure industries, making it ripe for new investment.
The North East is renowned as a friendly, productive place for business, and our strength is down to welcoming the type of people that call Sunderland home. The 'can-do' and resilient attitude of our workforce is what makes us loyal and efficient, and attracts some of the world's biggest brands and talent.
We also have partnerships working across public and private sectors to transform our city into a sustainable, dynamic hub with first-class office space, attractive living areas and lifestyle opportunities for businesses in the leisure, retail and hospitality sectors.
Our Business Investment Team
Our Business Investment Team is here to help you invest. We support with a selection of services:
Business development programmes to help start up or scale up, expand and grow
Funding and financial guidance
Specialist property search services
High quality office, hybrid and industrial premises
Connections to partner, professionals, industry networks and Government bodies
Invest in Our People
Sunderland has an unmatched blend of skills and people, drawing in talent from across the globe and from our top education centres. The city creates an exceptional work-life balance, which makes it a key target for investors and occupiers alike.
Invest in Our Industries
Sunderland is home to a diverse range of industries and sectors, and many major businesses have chosen our city as their base. From Nissan, Berghaus and tombola, to Ocado, EDF Energy and Rolls Royce, as well as Barclays and Hays Travel, some of the UK's biggest employers reside here in the North East. In Sunderland, you are well connected to key players.
Invest in Our Future
Legal & General's £160m investment has helped Sunderland undergo its most rapid period of positive change in decades. We are powered by a local authority that is determined to deliver a dynamic, healthy smart city of opportunity and ambition. Sunderland City Council's City Development Team and Business Investment Team work hard to support further investment.
Invest in Our Developments
We are transforming the infrastructure of our city with improved connectivity, economic growth, sustainable living and ambitious projects that will regenerate and revitalise our city centre. From the extraordinary Riverside Sunderland to the IAMP (International Advanced Manufacturing Park) and the Port of Sunderland, we continue to develop Sunderland as a city to work, live and play.