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City of Prospects

Over 16,000 students are gaining a world-class education at the University of Sunderland and Sunderland College, set to be joined by our Housing Innovation and Construction Skills Academy. And exciting careers are right here too, with 91 international businesses and the UK's biggest centre for automotive, aerospace and turbo technology manufacturing and electric vehicle research.


Education and career opportunities in Sunderland

Welcome to a city committed to equipping people with the skills to succeed in growing business here. The University of Sunderland and Sunderland College are internationally recognised for the quality of their education provision in the arts and creative industries, medicine, health sciences, technology, business and law, to name just a few of their specialisms.

Working with the University of Sunderland, we've just announced plans to automatically and securely link the students' EduROAM internet-access roaming service to the city's public outdoor Wi-Fi network, creating uninterrupted connectivity between campus and city centre. It's just the latest development in a 5G Smart Campus designed to nurture a more collaborative, innovative and digitally inclusive community.

The city is already home to the state-of-the-art National Esports Performance Campus - the UK's most advanced esports education, performance and training centre. And work is also underway on the development of HICSA, the Housing Innovation and Construction Skills Academy. Born of a partnership between Sunderland College and Sunderland City Council, this ground-breaking training base is set to become a centre of excellence in sustainable design and low-carbon construction, and will see the city leading the field in developing 'next-generation skills for next-generation homes'

Exciting careers beckon for our graduates too, both in the cluster of global and national businesses - including Nissan, Ocado and Tombola - that are choosing to locate here and with opportunities for thousands from the proposed Crown Works Studios, the city has so much to offer. And not to forget careers in the public sector, including exciting roles at Sunderland City Council.

Sunderland is full of passionate and talented people.  Whether born here, or drawn here. we've got inspirational people on every street. Be inspired by makers, networkers, fixers and go-getters. We all make Sunderland.

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