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Where do I start?

There is a lot of advice out there as to how to become a greener business. It can feel overwhelming, so here are seven simple steps to get started: 

1. Improve the energy efficiency of buildings


  • Reduce heat loss.
    • Identify where draughts are coming from and install draught proofing.
    • Insulate hot water tanks, boilers and pipes.
    • Install heating reflectors behind radiators.
    • Clear any obstructions from radiators.
    • It's also important to have boilers, heaters and air conditioning units regularly serviced.
  • Heating controls:
    • The longer you have your heating on and the higher you set the thermostat, the more expensive your fuel bills will be. By using heating controls effectively, you can avoid wasting energy on unnecessary heating.
  • Lighting:
    • Replace lighting with LED bulbs.
    • Install lighting controls and sensors in spaces that don't need continuous lighting is low cost and can be easy to implement.
    • Encourage staff to switch off lights before leaving a room.
    • Let in natural light. This is often overlooked. You can sometimes reduce the need for artificial lighting by changing the layout of your workplace. For example, moving objects that block windows and positioning desks near windows. It will also create a more pleasant working environment.
  • Check office equipment:
    • Switch from desktop computers to laptops. Laptops typically use 85% less electricity over a year than desktop PCs.
    • Encourage staff to turn off monitors and computers at the plug when they leave and to avoid standby.
    • Ensure communal equipment is turned off at the end of the day.
    • Kitchen equipment can often be overlooked and is an easy place to make savings. Ask yourself:
      • Are the seals on refrigerated areas in good condition?
      • Is our kitchen equipment energy efficient? (The energy rating scale runs from A to G, with A being the most energy efficient, and G the least energy efficient.)

BREEZ - Business Renewables Energy Efficiency Sunderland - Sunderland City Council - Sunderland City Council's BREEZ team provides businesses with a free, Energy-Saving Opportunities Review and could also award a 50% grant towards the total cost of installing cost-effective energy-efficiency upgrades and improvements.

2. Change staff behaviour

  • Enable energy-saving and battery-saving modes on all PC and mobile work devices.  
  • Reduce the office's thermostat temperature. Keeping the thermostat down by just 1°C could reduce space heating energy by 13%.    
  • Encourage team members to dress appropriately for the season or provide seasonal work uniforms. This could save heating costs in the winter and air conditioning costs in the summer.  
  • Talking to staff about the environment and inviting them to offer their own suggestions on how your business can become greener will encourage staff to get on board with your environmental efforts. It can also help to feel a sense of pride and purpose in reducing environmental impacts.  
  • Many businesses offer the opportunity to volunteer during working hours.  For opportunities, please contact the Sunderland Voluntary Sector Alliance at:    


3. Develop a sustainable travel plan

Travel to work policy and replace business fleet vehicles with fuel efficient vehicles such electric vehicles (EVs) or hybrid vehicles.

Go smarter to work - Sunderland City Council - this scheme is delivered by Sunderland City Council to support employers promoting sustainable travel to employees by providing:

  • Advice to individual employers, business sites or new developments
  • An assessment of present travel arrangements
  • Information about sustainable travel options and facilities
  • Advice for a healthier workforce
  • Advise to help reduction in CO2 emissions


4. Reduce consumption and waste

Trade waste, cleansing and maintenance - Sunderland City Council - Sunderland City Council offer a comprehensive waste management service to meet every waste and recycling need. Services include:  

  • Commercial waste collections  
  • Recycling and waste minimisation advice  
  • Bulky/unusual collections, including fridges, TVs and furniture (beds/wardrobes).   
  • Building cleaning services 
  • Cleansing services 
  • Landscaping, grounds maintenance and tree services. 

Buy used office equipment  

  • Whenever offices close or have a refurb, most companies will sell their old equipment to a used office furniture company. Reusing and recycling goods avoids contributing towards further depletion of natural resources. 


  • Provide staff recycling dispensers in your business to sort recycling into: paper/cardboard, plastic, food waste etc. 
  • Recycling a single tin can could save enough energy to power a computer for a full hour.  
  • A tonne of recycled paper can save 17 trees from deforestation, as well as 7000 gallons of water, 380 gallons of oil and 4000 kWh energy.  

Reduce single use plastics   

  • Avoid using single use plastics, re-use where possible. Only 9% of all plastic produced has ever been recycled.   
  • Promote the Refill app: Refill provides a platform to connect residents and their communities to places they can eat, drink and shop without single-use plastic packaging. If you would like to register as a refill station click here.  

Use recycled resources   

  • Using recycled paper products can help to reduce deforestation and preserve natural habitats.  


5. Engage with suppliers and invest responsibly


Use sustainable suppliers  

  • A good certification to look out for when selecting suppliers is ISO 14001. This certification provides proof that an organisation has environmental management at the heart of their Quality Management Systems and are actively improving resource efficiency and waste reduction.   

Responsible investment  

  • Invest in sustainable options, including pension funds.  

Offset carbon     

  • Planting trees, or even having a staff garden, is a great way to boost staff wellbeing and further offset your businesses carbon emissions.   


6. Switch to a renewable energy supplier

Low carbon energy does not need to cost you more, however some green tariffs are not what they seem. Paying a small premium to a company that offers 100% renewable energy will give you more confidence that your business is doing more to reduce emissions - and tell people about it.

7. Create a green action plan

Once you have decided which of the steps your business can take, turn them into a green action plan and share this with your staff, customers and audiences. 

You might not have all the answers as to how your business will reach your goals. But you've started, so tell people what you are doing and encourage others. 

For support from Sunderland's Low Carbon team in creating your green action plan, join the Sunderland Green Network and request support here:

Join the Sunderland Green Network

For further resources to create an action plan: Funding, Support and Resources


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