Environmental, Green and Sustainable Group

Environmental, Green and Sustainable Group:
The Environmental, Green and Sustainable (EGS) Group is a city-wide low carbon youth group that is run by, with and for Sunderland's children and young people. This group aims to empower young people through discussing the climate crisis, low carbon and action being taken in Sunderland. This group brings together representatives of all ages from Sunderland schools, youth groups, Sunderland College, and the University of Sunderland. Group representatives meet with the city's senior leaders at the 2030 Shadow Board meetings to contribute to low carbon discussions and decisions.
The group have chosen their own group name, voted on the City-wide hashtag #WearSustainable, explored local growing projects, have been consulted on the Low Carbon section of the My Sunderland website, sent members to discuss low carbon principles with the City Choir, and shared information and brought up topics of interest at the 2030 Shadow Board.